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Keith Harrison-Broninski

This is Keith's bio as an author, speaker, and consultant specialising in collaboration across organisational boundaries as well as social technology for wellness, community, and finance.


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Keith Harrison-Broninski - Bio

Keith Harrison-Broninski is a technology thought leader who gives keynotes and lectures to business and academic audiences worldwide.


Keith’s 2005 book “Human Interactions” set out the first formal theory of collaborative work processes (“Set to produce the first fundamental advances in personal productivity since the arrival of the spreadsheet”, Information Age).


Keith’s 2020 book “Supercommunities” set out a similarly ground-breaking theory of antifragile communities (“Read this book!”, from the foreword by Vint Cerf, Co-Inventor of the Internet).


Keith has delivered major transformation programmes for UK government based on ground-breaking use of AI for business intelligence. As an entrepreneur, Keith has created health and wellness platforms for the NHS and deprived inner cities, acclaimed as a Gartner Cool Vendor and winning an NHS Innovation Award.


Keith is currently CEO of Dedoctive, whose revolutionary technology represents a foundational innovation in trustworthy AI.




1981-82 Hirst Research Centre - Research into early video telephony

1982-85 Oxford University - BA Hons Mathematics (Double Starred First Class)

1985-86 Oxford University - MSc. Computation

1987-89 Praxis Systems - Developed the conceptual model of project management for IPSE 2.5; encountered Role-Activity Theory

1989-90 Praxis Systems - Programme Manager of largest ever UK database project at the time, for the Northern Examining Boards (delivered on time and under budget)

1990-2001 Consultant - Started to develop new ideas about process management, based on roles that deliver responsibilities by collaborating to build knowledge; saw the potential for this to solve social issues; experimented with software tool development

2001-03 Role Modellers (as co-owner) - Built Minimum Viable Product for insurance industry

2004-05 Columnist and writer - Developed ideas through BPTrends column; Invited by Robin Milner to co-create academia-industry working group; Published "Human Interactions":

  • "Set to produce the first fundamental advances in personal productivity since the arrival of the spreadsheet" (Information Age)

  • "The breakthrough that changes the rules of business" (Peter Fingar, author of "Business Process Management: The Third Wave")

  • "The overarching framework for 21st century business technology" (BP Trends)

  • "The next logical step in process-based technology" (Chair of the Workflow Management Coalition)

2006-09 Speaker and consultant - Gave keynotes and workshops to industry and academia; consulted to governments; contributed chapters to books including 2 for Springer (BPM Handbook), 3 for the Workflow Management coalition​, and others for specialist publishers

2010-14 Role Modellers (as sole owner) - Developed Web platform NHS Gather to empower take-up of healthcare innovations; acclaimed a Gartner Cool Vendor; won NHS Innovation Award.

2015-18, Collaboration Tools (as sole owner) - Developed the Web platform Town Digital Hub to help communities create, harness, and evolve wellness services; deployed in Frome and Birmingham by NHS and councils; highly regarded by the NHS (“uniquely holistic”, NHS Social Prescribing Network), clinicians (“the perfect tool”, Birmingham City Champion for Tackling Physical Inactivity), health trainers (“a change agent”, Living Well Consortium), and patient representatives (who actively promoted its use in GP surgeries).

2018-19 Collaboration Tools - Having seen how the potential impact of Town Digital Hub was hampered by lack of local resources in deprived areas, used permissioned blockchain to develop peer-to-peer funding app Stakeitback for community ventures

2020 - Published "Supercommunities":

  • "We will need to replace short term thinking with long term planning and execution if we are to regain upward motion towards common benefit for everyone on Spaceship Earth. To begin, read this book!" Vint Cerf, Co-Inventor of the Internet

  • "Ranging from ancient history to economics to psychology to public policy ‘Supercommunities’ is both authoritative and highly readable. It puts our current challenges in context, shows why change is necessary and provides a trove of practical ideas for change makers." Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, The RSA

  • "Our politics and economics of 'me' must return to being about 'we', and this book shows us how." Professor Martin Parker, Lead, Bristol Inclusive Economy Initiative

2020-23 Collaboration ToolsKeynotes, lectures, and interviews; proved Supercommunities principles by demonstrating that a supplier community including small, diverse companies as well as multinationals can collaborate to provide safety-critical technology to government agencies; started to develop generic operating model Organisation-as-a-Platform for the "Internet of Communities",

2023- Dedoctive (as co-owner) - CEO of Dedoctive, whose revolutionary technology represents a foundational innovation in trustworthy AI; first Internet of Communities apps deployed.

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